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Hi there!  My name is Aimee and I've been on a journey for years...looking for healthy alternatives to conventional beauty care. This website is all about detoxifying the body by making your own do-it-yourself products with natural and simple ingredients.

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This recipe contains ingredients that cleanse, gently exfoliate and moisturize the skin; leaving it glowing, smooth, and fresh.

All right... let’s get to it!


Ingredients & Materials


  • 4 oz. Glass Mason Jar

  • Coffee Grinder

  • 2.5 oz. of Oatmeal

Oatmeal can improve skin tone & texture.  Its excess protein helps protect skin from harsh chemicals, sunburn, drying, rashes, and acne.  It’s a gentle exfoliant and absorbs oils.


  • 0.5 oz. of Fenugreek Powder

Fenugreek powder is a gentle exfoliant and is moisturizing.  It can reduce blemishes and dark circles.  ·It possesses anti-aging properties and is antibacterial.


  • 1 oz. of Besan or Chickpea Powder

Besan powder Is antibacterial, an exfoliant, and can lighten skin tone.  It helps remove tans and fine facial hair.


Essential oils I like to use is:


  • 5 drops of Ylang-ylang Essential Oil

  • 10 drops of Geranium Essential Oil

  • 5 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil


Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang-ylang supports inflammation reduction and blood circulation.  It can reduce stress & anxiety and soothe the skin.

Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium can relieve stress & anxiety.  It supports against inflammation and wrinkles.  It can improve blood circulation, promote cell growth, and is antibacterial.


Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea Tree is antibacterial and antifungal.





  1. First, grind whole steel-cut oatmeal until a fine powder.

  2. Then, add oatmeal, fenugreek, and besan powder to a bowl and mix.

  3. Next add, ylang-ylang, geranium, and tea tree essential oils.

  4. Wait for the powder to absorb oils and mix well.

  5. Add mixture to a 4 oz. glass mason jar.

  6. Place about 2 tsp. in your palm and add water until a paste is formed.

  7. Massage into skin for 1-2 minutes and rinse or leave on your face for 10-15 minutes as a mask.

  8. You can add about 1 tsp of rice powder to the mixture for more powerful exfoliant properties.

  9. Store in a cool and dry space.




And it’s just that easy.

Thanks for Reading!



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